Export a loan file and setup file: 

  • While on the Loan Screen go to File->Import/Export

  • First click on Export Loan to Binary File
  • Click the Browse button to select the location where the file will be saved to
  • Click the Process button
  • This will create a *.LBF file

  • Then repeat the steps, except this time you should select Export Setup to Binary File
  • Click the Browse button to select the location where the file will be saved to
  • Click the Process button
  • This will create a *.LSF file

Keep in mind, the setup file will be required in order for us to setup a test database with your settings on our side. This file may be large and you can potentially run into obstacles when trying to email this file. If you are a licensed client, then you can place on your FTP folder for us to retrieve. If you are a hosted client and are unable to email the file, please consult your support representative.