A metacharacter is a character that has a special meaning when it is entered as search criteria. Metacharacters allow you to customize your search parameters. This may help to refine the set of records selected as a result of your search.
The following metacharacters are supported by all search options within NLS, provided that they are entered into fields with a data-type appropriate to that operation:
~ (Tilde) | Used to select a range of values. The tilde may be used to select a range in a date field, a string field, or an amount field. The date must be entered in the format mm/dd/yyyy. Example: Entering 05/12/2000~08/22/2000 into the Setup Date field, and clicking the Get Query button, will bring up a selected set of CIFs (or loans if you are on the loan query screen) that were entered onto the system between May 12, 2000 and August 22, 2000. Example 2: Entering 10000~100000 into the Current Principal field of Loan Query and clicking the Get Query button will bring up a selected set of loans with a current principal balance between $10,000 and $100,000. |
| (Vertical Bar) | Used to select a list of values. This allows you to enter several dates or amounts into a field to be used as search parameters. Example: Entering 07/05/2000|07/17/2000 into the Setup Date field and then clicking the get Query button will bring up a selected set of CIFs or Loans that were entered into the system on July 5, 2000 or July 17, 2000. |
> (Greater Than) | The greater than sign is used to select all values greater than a specified value. Example: Entering >10000 into the Current Principal field of Loan Query and clicking the Get Query button will bring up a selected set of loans including all loans with a current principal balance which is greater than $10,000. |
< (Less Than) | The less than sign is used to select all values less than a specified value. |
>= (Greater Than or Equal to) | The greater than or equal to sign is a greater than sign which includes the specified value in the selected set instead of limiting the selected set to those values which are definitely greater than the specified value. Example: A loan with a principal balance of exactly $10,000 would not be included in the selected set for a search that was based on the search parameter >10000. It would be included if the search parameter was >=10000. |
<= (Less Than or Equal to) | The less than or equal to sign is a less than sign which includes the specified value in the selected set. |
_ (Underscore) | The underscore is used in searches on text string fields to represent a single character. Example: If you want to search for all CIFs where the second letter in the last name is O, enter _O in the Last Name field. The underscore represents the first character, allowing it to have any value, and the second character must be O in order to match the criteria for the search. |
% (Wildcard) | The wildcard represents one or more characters (whereas the underscore always represents one character). Example: When seaching for a CIF using the Last Name field, entering B% and clicking the Get Query button will bring up a selected set of CIFs with last names beginning with B. Example2: The same search using the parameter BU% would include the names Buckner and Busch, but would not include Bailey or Bonner. Note: If the Auto-Wildcard is enabled (in the Actions menu) you do not need to place % after the B to get all names beginning with that letter. It is automatically assumed to be at the end of all string searches. The wildcard would still be required for the search: B%R, which would return Buckner and Bonner, but not Busch or Bailey. By default, the Auto-Wildcard is on. |
ISNULL | Type ISNULL into any field and click Get Query to receive a selected set including all records where that field has no value. (Note: zero is a value and is not null.) |
ISNOTNULL | Type ISNOTNULL into any field and click Get Query to receive a selected set including all records where that field has any value. |